The Most Advanced Roblox Alt Generator

Our service is designed to provide you with a seamless and hassle-free experience, giving you access to high-quality and aged accounts for any of your needs.

Main Features

AltGenator has countless features you can use or explore.

Password Checker

One of the most highly regarded features of AltGenator is our password checker. Prior to the delivery of each account to our users, our bot undergoes a sophisticated and intuitive process to validate the account's credentials, ensuring that each account will function properly upon login. With this innovative feature, we guarantee a seamless account generation process and consistently deliver working accounts to our valued users.


While AltGenator offers a cooldown as low as 60 seconds between account generations, we understand that generating accounts can be a time-consuming process. In response to this, we have implemented bulk-generation commands that allow you to generate up to 1000 accounts at once, every 24 hours. With this innovative feature, you can streamline your account generation process and save valuable time.

Massive Account Stock

AltGenator has the largest account stock of any exisitng Roblox account generator. Whether you're looking for accounts from the early years of Roblox, or realistic looking accounts for botting purposes we've got you covered!

Frequent Updates

As Roblox makes ongoing efforts to clamp down on account generators, it is imperative that we remain agile and adaptive in our approach. Our team is dedicated to constantly restocking our inventory of accounts, and continuously adding new features to ensure that we are able to respond quickly and effectively to any changes in Roblox's policies and procedures.

Dedicated Support Team

Our support team is made up of knowledgeable and friendly moderators who are always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We understand that navigating a new server can be overwhelming, which is why we have a streamlined support system in place to ensure that you receive the help you need as quickly as possible.

99.9% Uptime

Constant updates and an active development team means you won't have to worry about the bot going down for hours at a time like other servers. Our backups allow the bot to be up within an hour in the rare event that the bot may crash.

Why Choose Us

AltGenator is unique in the amount of features it has that other similar servers don't. Below is a list of prioritized features you may not see in other generators.




Regular Updates

Dedicated Dev Team

Massive Account Stock


Simple and Affordable Pricing

AltGenator offers both free and paid tiers. Make sure to read the perks of all the tiers to find out what fits your needs the best.


Free Access

Join our Discord server and begin generating high quality accounts for free!

1+ Hour Cooldown(s)

Limited Commands

Unchecked Accounts


⭐ Premium Access

Avoid those long cooldowns with Premium access. The best choice for the average user who needs an account every now and then.

60 Second Cooldown

Premium Commands

Checked Accounts

Server Perks

Access to Robux Giveaways

Accounts sent in DMs


🔥 Extreme Access

Perfect for exploiters and account sellers. With Extreme access you're guarenteed to make your money back!

5 Second Cooldown

Premium + Extreme Commands

Checked Accounts

Server Perks

Access to Robux Giveaways

Bulk Generation

Sell/Trade Accounts

Accounts sent in DMs

Download Generated Alts

Need Help or Support?

To contact AltGentor support join our Discord using the button below and open a ticket in our designated #support channel. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response as our support team is mostly volunteers!

Join Discord